Village of Coney Island Ordinance Index
Click on the blue ordinance number to see the document.
Ordinance #1-2022
Water user rate and related matters
Attachment A: Village of Coney Island Water Application
Attachment B: Village of Coney Island Water Contract
Ordinance #2-2020
Regulating Animals
Ordinance #3-1995
General Provisions
Ordinance #4-2020
Controlling Traffic
Ordinance #5-1995
Regulating Nuisances
Ordinance #6-2020
Regulating Blocking Light, Air and Scenic Views
Ordinance #7-1999
Regulating Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes and Lot Sizes
Ordinance #8-2020
Regulating Business; Business License.
Attachment A: Application for Business License
Ordinance #9-2021
Prohibiting Overnight Camping or Sleeping in Vehicles
Ordinance #10: none.
Board of Trustee Meeting Times
Ordinance #12-1995
Establishing a Procedure for the Selection of Professional Consulting Services
Cross Contamination Control
Adoption of the Stone County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
Ordinance #15-2020
Regulating Signs
Ordinance #16-2020
Metered Water Per Dwelling Unit.
Ordinance #17-2020
Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. Exhibit M.
Ordinance #18-2020
Planning and Zoning Advisory Committee Ordinance; Zoning; Land Use
Ordinance #19-2020
Appointment of Members of Boards and Commissions in Fourth Class Cities including Villages
Ordinance #20-2018
Regulating Sales Tax
Ordinance #21-2022
Regulating Use Tax for the General Revenue
Ordinance #22-2022
Authorizing and Directing the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Coney Island, MO to Execute and Enter Contract Governing Compensation for Legal Services.
Revised Zoning and Land Use Code